Dashboard Extensions API

With our Dashboard Extensions API, developers can create dashboard extensions that enable customers to integrate and interact with functionality or data from other applications directly in Tableau.

Level of support
Tableau Server, Tableau Cloud, Tableau Desktop
Programming languages
JavaScript, HTML

The Tableau Dashboard Extensions API allows developers to create extensions for Tableau. Tableau extensions are web applications that can interact and communicate with Tableau. A dashboard extension can be placed in the dashboard like any other dashboard object.

Use cases

  • Create an extension that has write-back functionality, so users can modify data in a viz and have that change automatically update the source data in the database or web application
  • Build custom viz and interactivity types such as a filter replacement with a custom interface and network diagram
  • Integrate 3rd-party functionality inside the dashboard


  • Interact with data from other business applications directly in Tableau
  • Customise Tableau's Desktop environment for a specific team's workflow