Tableau Server Certified Associate

Focused on administrative functionality and platform knowledge

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About the exam

Exam fee: $250

This exam is for those who have a comprehensive understanding of Tableau Server functionality in a single-machine environment and approximately 4-6 months of experience. Typical roles include system administrators or consultants. Read the full details of the Exam Guide before registering. There are no prerequisites for this exam.

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Preparing for the exam

One of the best preparations is role experience and time with the product. To be prepared, candidates are strongly encouraged to have a minimum of 6 months’ experience. We also encourage you to explore some of our expert training options:

Desktop I: Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals with this two-day virtual instructor-led course, with additional eLearning coursework as you prepare for your exam.

Server administration

Learn best practices around Tableau Server installation and configuration in this foundational course geared towards Tableau Server administrators. This course focuses on enterprise governance, security, performance, scalability and more to help you get the most out of your Tableau deployment.

Become a Tableau Server Certified Associate and boost your career!

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